By Bob Livingston
Apr 6th, 2009 • Category: Bob Livingston, Health, Personal Liberty Articles, Wealth
The materialistic-instant gratification-pop culture mentality of many people today is truly astonishing.
If they see it they want it… now. What’s important? Who is the next to leave on American Idol, who is kicked off the island in Survivor, what is my favorite actor up to today?
What’s not important? What are you reading, what are you eating, what medicines are you taking, what is your government doing today to take more of your hard-earned fiat money and perpetuate the fraud that is the government finance system?
The difference in people is how they think. The difference in what people think is what they read. The difference in what they read is how much they read. How much they read is how close to reality they are.
It is so planned that billions of people should live and die and never know or experience reality.
The crowd can be described with one word—frivolous. The people are little children whose existence is prescribed by the system. Yes, our parameter of existence is prescribed because our parameters of thought are prescribed.
Who are the people of the system? They are almost everybody. They are the common folk. They are the professional class. They are, for the most part, the financial class.
A few get through the net to reality.
And most people who climb the economic scale are decoyed and diverted with materialism. Their existence becomes totally dominated by the desire to accumulate material wealth.
Riches are wonderful. They please the flesh but they are a blinder that most often blocks escape to reality. Materialism, properly placed, brings balance and quality time to life. Materialism is a tool, not an end, lest we worship at the altar of mammon.
There is an appalling difference between reality people and people of the system. Frivolous people have their existence on frivolous thoughts and frivolous talk.
My focus is on health and wealth—properly balanced. It is impossible to have one without the other.
Good health is where you can find it. It is seldom found within the sickness system or "orthodox medicine." It is most likely to be found in alternatives.
People can be measured by their proclivity toward alternative health. This is the same as saying their disbelief of pharmaceutical medicine. The more we progress to alternative health the closer we come to reality.
Pharmaceutical medicine is by no definition a health system. It is in every way a commercial business based on profits. Not one doctor in 10,000 suspects this. So tight is the psychological control of the medical system that no amount of persuasion or logic can dislodge it.
The professional medical class is money-motivated and it lusts after the pharmaceutical system, totally unconscious of the realism of human health. A drug system is incompatible with the health of man and animal.
Wealth is long-term value. It most definitely is not the diminishing, deflating paper money system that everyone thinks of as money and wealth.
Silently, a new war has been declared on all people who hold paper money assets. The paper money monster called depreciating paper is consuming more and more while we sleep.
He who builds his fortune, his savings and retirement upon a paper money foundation builds his house upon the sands. This syndrome is no different from the drug addict who plans his existence upon acquiring the next fix.
Think of transferring your existence from pharmaceutical drugs and paper money to life and reality above the "madness of the crowd" while you can.
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