Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kidney Stones

Cut your risk of kidney stones down to (almost) nothing—no prescription required

I’m no longer amazed by the advice given today by “mainstream” medical doctors on preventing the most common type of kidney stones (the calcium oxalate variety)––but I am still disappointed. Some doctors say to cut back on dietary and supplemental calcium, even more counsel their patients to reduce calcium and salt and to drink lots more water. A few even give prescriptions for diuretics. None of this is necessary (or helpful for that matter). Yet the mainstream seems to be turning a blind eye to methods clearly proven to help.

In 1974, two Harvard researchers found that magnesium oxide (300 milligrams daily) and vitamin B6 (10 milligrams daily) could reduce the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones by 92.3 percent.1.Their research was published in the Journal of Urology.

Harvard? Journal of Urology? What more could a urologist ask for when it comes to research? I gave copies of the article to individuals I worked with to give to their urologists, but nothing changed. The recommendations for low calcium diets just kept on coming. 

In 1991, the British Journal of Urology published another prevention study. During a five-year investigation, researchers determined that the use of 10 grams (less than 1 tablespoon) of rice bran twice daily after meals reduced new calcium oxalate kidney stone formation by 83.4 percent.2 To this day, not one person I’ve asked has been told by his or her urologist about this harmless treatment.

As I said earlier, this just doesn’t surprise me anymore. After all, it took the physicians at the British Admiralty over 150 years to implement one of the earliest successful scientific experiments concerning the beneficial effects of nutrition on illness—the prevention of scurvy with citrus fruit. And it took 19th century medicine more than 50 years to eliminate “childbirth fever” by simply having physicians wash their hands. Modern medicine still hasn’t learned that good nutrition can prevent nearly 100 percent of toxemia of pregnancy. I could go on, but you get the idea. 

But back to kidney stones: The same amounts of magnesium and vitamin B6 found effective in preventing calcium oxalate kidney stones back in 1974 can be found in many high-quality multiple vitamin-mineral formulations today. To get enough magnesium and vitamin B6 from a “muliple,” be sure to take the four to six capsules daily that are usually called for by the labels of these products. Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of rice bran twice daily, and your chances of a calcium oxalate kidney stone recurrence are close to zero.

Journal of Alternative Medicine

Blood Sugar

If you’re one of more than 20 millionAmericans struggling to control your blood sugar—you may already know about the distressing health problems it can cause.

But according to theAmerican DiabetesAssociation—nearly onethird of these folks don’t even know they have this condition!And that’s what makes it a dangerous threat to your health…

Many people only realize they have blood sugar problems when they develop one of its lifethreatening complications such as:

 High blood pressure
 Heart disease
 Kidney disease or failure
 Nervous system damage
 Limb amputations
 Dental disease
 Pregnancy complications
 Sexual dysfunction

The pharmaceutical companies have plenty of drugs to help you deal with blood sugar imbalances.

…The side effects of some of these drugs can beWORSE than the disease they’re supposed to treat!

For example, the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) recently mandated the use of a “black box” warning on the diabetes drug Avandia®.

This strong warning label emphasizes that the drug, “may cause or worsen heart failure in certain patients.”

AWebMD report said experts overwhelmingly stated the drug boosts the risk of heart attack and other dangerous heart problems. Despite this disturbing admission—an agency advisory panel voted 22 to 1 in favor of
allowing continued sales to U.S. patients!

But here’s some good news!

You can balance your blood sugar naturally, simply by using nutrients straight from Mother Nature’s pharmacy!

These natural solutions are so safe and effective—they’re changing
the way many doctors recommend treating blood sugar imbalances.

These remarkable nutrients can help your body process insulin… lower sugar levels…and even help you shed unwanted pounds!

Before you learn more about these superstar nutrients—you should first understand how blood sugar problems develop. You should also know how to determine if you’re at risk for developing them…

Know How to Recognize Different Types of Blood Sugar Problems Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body does not produce or properly use the hormone insulin. Your body needs insulin to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy.When glucose builds up in your blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems:

 Your cells become starved for energy—and prevent your body from
functioning properly!

 Over time, you’ll experience damage to your eyes…kidneys…nerves…and even your heart!

Doctors and researchers are still unsure about the cause of diabetes—
although genetics, obesity, and lack of exercise appear to play roles.

The American Diabetes Association says there are four major types of blood sugar problems. This includes:

 Type I diabetes—develops when your immune system destroys
accounts for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.

 Gestational diabetes—a form of glucose intolerance during pregnancy requiring treatment to stabilize blood sugar levels; 70% of women with gestational diabetes develop Type II diabetes at some point during their lifetime.

 Pre-diabetes—occurs when you have blood glucose levels higher than normal—but not high enough to be classified as diabetes; more than 54 millionAmericans have pre-diabetes.

Doctors use one of two tests to diagnose whether you have prediabetes
or diabetes. They are:

1) Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG)—measures blood sugar levels after a minimum 12-hour fast.A fasting glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl signals pre-diabetes. Levels of 126 mg/dl or higher indicate

2) Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)—measures your blood glucose level after a fast, then two hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage.

If the two-hour blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl,the person tested has pre-diabetes. If the two-hour blood glucose level is
at 200 mg/dl or higher, the person tested has diabetes.

Whether or not you’ve taken and received results from these tests—you can take steps to help control your blood sugar without dangerous drugs! You’re about to discover natural herbs and nutrients so powerful……They’re even BIGGER news than the discovery of insulin!

The Safest Secrets to Lowering Blood Sugar!

It might seem hard to imagine that a few herbs can help you win the battle of blood sugar imbalances—but it’s TRUE!

Numerous scientific reports prove these remarkable nutrients live up
to their claims.

Let’s examine each of these super nutrients individually…

Gymnema Sylvestre

For more than 2,000 years,people in India have used the herb Gymnema sylvestre to help control blood sugar. In fact, the leaves of this climbing plant are prized by practitioners ofAyurvedic medicine—the holistic system of healing developed in India and practiced by the renowned doctor Deepak Chopra.

The herb is also called “gurmar,” which literally means “destroyer of
sugar” in Hindi. This name describes the way that chewing the leaves
interferes with your ability to taste sweetness. Because this amazing
herb decreases the sensation of sweetness in many foods, this may reduce your cravings for sugary snacks. Recent scientific studies indicate Gymnema sylvestre helps:

 Balance your fasting blood sugar level…
 Control hemoglobinA1c (average blood sugar levels for three months)…
 Improve your body’s glycemic control…
 Increase the effectiveness of insulin…

Gymnema sylvestre helps control abnormal blood sugar levels by reducing your absorption of glucose. Just how does it work? The herb contains gymnemic acids, which are known to suppress glucose absorption. Gymnema
sylvestre also helps your pancreas make more insulin to balance blood
sugar levels. These findings are backed by numerous clinical studies.
Dr. K. Baskaran published a study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology involving patients who took 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre extract daily
for 18 to 20 months along with their oral medications. This group showed a significant reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels!
Scientific research confirms the powerful sugar busting effects of
Gymnema sylvestre! But there’s yet another nutrient that can help ease your sugar cravings…


Another weapon in nature’s arsenal of sugar fighters is the mineral chromium. Chromium aids in digestion and helps move blood glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for energy. It also helps turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. The result? Balanced blood
sugar…fewer sugar cravings and energy crashes…and improved fat metabolism, to name a few. What’s more, chromium is critical for healthy insulin function. Without enough chromium in your body, insulin just doesn’t work properly. Chromium exists in many foods including:

 Brewer’s yeast 
 Potatoes (especially in the skin)
 Whole-grain breads and cereals
 Fresh fruits and vegetables

Despite the wide availability of chromium from food sources, research shows that 90% of American adults have a chromium deficient diet! Could this be a key reason why an increasing number ofAmericans suffer blood sugar problems?


Believe it or not—your kitchen probably already contains a key ingredient to help you control unhealthy blood sugar levels. Recent
scientific discoveries prove that a commonly used spice helps regulate
blood sugar in ways previously unknown. Scientists at the aryland-based
Human Nutrition Research Center were studying the effects of common
foods on blood sugar. Dr. Richard Anderson, lead scientist and chemist,
noticed that when patients ate apple pie…their blood sugar levels
actually IMPROVED! Further investigation revealed it was the CINNAMON in the apple pie—that helped their blood sugar levels!

But you might be wondering, “How on earth can eating cinnamon affect my blood sugar?” Researchers discovered that cinnamon actually increases your glucose metabolism. It contains a compound called methyhydroxy chalcone polymer—or MHCP for short—that works with insulin to help process glucose. In fact, a laboratory test conducted by the U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) showed MHCP increased glucose etabolism by roughly 20 times! Just think…20 times more energy to help sustain you while you work, exercise, and take care of other daily activities!

Banaba Leaf Extract

Traditionally, people living in the Philippines, SouthAsia, and India
have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help regulate blood sugar. In fact,
some natural healers sing its praises as a medicinal plant. Extract
Traditionally, people living in the Philippines, SouthAsia, and India
have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help regulate blood sugar. In fact,
some natural healers sing its praises  as a medicinal plant.

Medical scientists believe that banaba leaf’s beneficial effects on
blood sugar are due to its high concentration of corosolic acid, a
natural compound extracted from its leaves. Corosolic acid mimics insulin by moving sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells.
And numerous scientific studies have proven banaba leaf’s effectiveness.

In one study1, patients with blood sugar concerns took a supplement
containing banaba leaf or a placebo three times a day for four weeks.
The placebo group had no change, but the banaba leaf group achieved very good results for blood sugar balancing. With banaba leaf helping control your blood sugar fluctuations…

…You can also experience healthy weight loss. In fact, some folks have reported an average of two to four pounds a month!


Modern science is shedding new light on another traditional folk remedy which delivers excellent health benefits. Fenugreek is a herb native to the Mediterranean, Ukraine, India, and China.

Its medicinal use was first mentioned 3,500 years ago in the Egyptian Ebers Papyri. Practitioners ofAyurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have used the herb for more than 2,000 years.

Modern scientists now know fenugreek helps balance your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose. Fenugreek seed stimulates insulin
release. This helps food sugars reach your cells properly.

In one study2, patients with blood sugar concerns were divided into two
groups. Group One received one gram of fenugreek seed extract and Group Two received a combination of dietary control, exercise, and a placebo capsule for two months.

The results? Group One patients saw more positive results for blood
sugar, insulin resistance, cholesterol,and triglycerides, compared to
Group Two. And that’s not all…Three more studies 3,4,5 confirm that fenugreek seed extract helps stabilize blood sugar in patients with
blood sugar and insulin problems. Why such results? The seeds of
fenugreek are rich in dietary fiber and other natural compounds which
help balance your blood sugar!


Although it may be unknown to most people in theWest—bitter melon has long been used in South America, the Caribbean, EastAfrica, and the Orient as both food and a natural medicine.And scientific studies prove its value for treating blood sugar problems.

For example, two studies6,7 show bitter melon could play a key role in
helping to balance insulin in your body—which of course means healthy blood sugar control.

And another study8 showed bitter melon had positive effects on the
serum glucose levels of those taking it, following both fasting and eating!


People with blood sugar problems often battle with high cholesterol too. And drug makers will push statin drugs as your best bet for lowering cholesterol.

But, they won’t tell you about the side effects ranging from exhaustion
and nerve damage to memory loss and even impotence!

But don’t worry—Mother Nature’s safer, more effective alternative is the nutrient policosanol. This nutrient is a mixture of fatty alcohols derived from sugar cane wax.Anumber of controlled studies have shown that policosanol is an effective way to help reduce high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.

In one study, participants received 20 mg or 40 mg per day of policosanol or a placebo for six months. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol decreased significantly and HDL cholesterol increased in both groups receiving policosanol. None of the cholesterol readings changed in participants who took a placebo. And what’s even better is neither group reported any negative side effects from taking policosanol!

So if you’ve resigned yourself to a life filled by downing daily
prescription medications…jabbing yourself with insulin…and praying
that you don’t succumb to kidney failure or a brain disaster?

This doesn’t have to be YOUR fate—now that you know about nature’s premium nutrients for balancing blood sugar!

Cinnamon…Gymnema sylvestre…fenugreek…and the other superstar nutrients described in this report can be your healthy solution for balanced blood sugar— and optimal health!

Did you know…?

Type I diabetes was previously called juvenile-onset diabetes or
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). People with this form
must have insulin delivered by injection or pump to survive.
You’re at greater risk for Type I diabetes if you have parents or
siblings with the disease.

Type II diabetes was previously called adult-onset diabetes or
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Certain ethnic
groups are at higher risk for developing Type II diabetes including:

 African Americans 
 Hispanic/Latino Americans
 American Indians 
 Asian Americans
 Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders

Many people with Type II diabetes can manage their blood glucose by following a healthy eating plan… adopting a regular exercise program… and losing excess weight. In some cases, doctors may recommend oral medication to regulate blood sugar levels.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Food For the Brain

Is Your Brain Starving?

By Al Sears, MD

Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your car keys… or just feel like your brain is in a fog sometimes?

Contrary to popular belief, forgetfulness is not just a normal part of growing older. As you age, your brain loses critical nutrients that it needs to fire on all cylinders.

If your mental spark plugs aren't firing like they used to, don't worry. I'll show you how to get your brain's engine back to running as smooth as a Rolls Royce. You just need to know what's missing and how to get it.

Your Brain is Begging for Nutrients
Your brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to transmit messages in the brain. There are millions of these messages happening every 
second. Neurotransmitters are conductors of these messages, allowing them to fire from one part of your brain to another.

One important neurotransmitter is acetylcholine (ACh). Your body uses ACh to help regulate your heart, breathing, and sleep. Your body even uses it to control your muscles and keep you fired up for the bedroom.

Here's the thing… your brain needs you to supply certain nutrients to make neurotransmitters.

But there's a key nutrient it uses to make ACh that is probably missing from your diet. It's called choline, and if you don't get enough, you're headed for trouble.  Choline is a necessary nutrient for overall brain health and functioning and it is important to avoid nutritional deficiencies to keep your brain sharp and healthy.1

When you don't give the body enough choline, the brain is forced to get it from other parts of your brain. It starts eating itself alive to get what it needs for vital functions like heart and lung regulation.

I'll show you ways to get the choline your brain needs in a second, but first let me introduce you to choline's partner — DMAE.

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) works with choline to create ACh. In fact, it does such a good job, the FDA almost approved it as a drug. The only reason it didn't happen is that the manufacturer didn't want to pay the expenses to get it classified as one.

But it is the main ingredient in a commonly prescribed drug in Europe. Called Centrophenoxine, it has been shown to boost cognitive functions.2

Unlike Ritalin® and other brain-stimulating substances, proper doses of DMAE are a safe and side-effect-free solution to support brain health and reduce age-related mental decline and mood/behavioral problems.3

Get These Critical Brain Saving Nutrients Now
To get the nutrition your brain needs to stay sharp and clear, you may need to combine food and supplementation. Here's how to get your ACh cranking:

Choline – You need at least 425 mg a day as a woman, 550 mg if you're a man. The richest food sources of choline are (in mg per 100 g of food):

·         Whole cooked eggs – 272. Make sure you get free-range eggs without antibiotics or hormones. They'll help fuel your muscles as well as give you much-needed choline.

·         Raw egg yolks – 682. Go ahead and crack open a couple eggs into your protein shake. It's only an urban legend that there's danger in eating them raw.

·         Chicken liver – 290. Though some people get turned off by organ meats, they're a potent source of high-powered nutrition. And it's an old wives tale that they store toxins – they don't.

·         Turkey liver – 220. Another great source of nutrition. Just like any liver, it also provides vitamin A, CoQ10 and iron.


     Pork – 130. Just like beef, you want to eat only organic, grass-fed animals for the proper balance of fats and zero hormones and antibiotics.

If you're older, you may need more choline — as much as 1500 mg a day. That may require supplementation. If you take a supplement, be sure it's in the form of choline citrate.

DMAE – You need at least 35 mg of DMAE a day. Fish is a good food source, especially sardines and anchovies.

So stop starving your brain of these critical nutrients. They're easy to replace and will help to promote a healthy mind into your golden years.


  1. Ferris SH, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1977; 25:241-4.
  2. Mosharrof, A.H., et al.,  Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg, 1986. 12(3): p. 7-14.
  3. Caille E.-J, Psychol Med.1986;18:2069-2086


Simple Ways to Stop Acne Naturally 

Comments by:  Dr.Mercola

Acne can be both a psychologically and emotionally painful condition, especially for adolescents. I have plenty of experience with this personally as I struggled with severe acne as a teenager, and even into my 30s. In fact, I had a relatively severe form called cystic acne, which produces large and painful, lesions.  

Most teens get the type of acne called acne vulgaris, which can appear on your face, neck, shoulders, back and chest. 

With acne affecting about 85 percent of the population at some time in their life – including adults -- it is the most common skin disease addressed by dermatologists.  

The challenge, of course, is how to treat acne effectively.   

Conventional Treatment Strategies for Acne 

The typical strategy used by most dermatologists is to recommend an antibiotic -- typically tetracycline-type derivatives designed to kill infections. In this case, it is propioniform types of bacteria that are responsible for the actual inflammation and infection that occurs on your face.  

Propionibacterium acnes can be found on the surface of everyone's skin. Acne flair-ups result when the bacteria block your pores, which lead to inflammation. 

Antibiotics can in fact be very useful to clear up your acne. Other conventional treatments include using topical agents such as benzyl peroxide, or in extreme cases harsher treatment drugs like Accutane.

However, I don’t think anyone should be using Accutane (generically known as isotretinoin), and strongly advise against it.  

It’s actually the only drug classified as category X, meaning it is 100 percent guaranteed to cause birth defects. As of 2002, if you are a woman of child bearing age, you have to get a pregnancy test before it can be prescribed.   

It also has other side effects, such as feelings of depression, aggression, and suicide. 

Although these treatments typically do work, it’s important to realize that they in NO way, shape or form treat the underlying cause of your acne. 

How to Treat the Root Cause of Your Acne 

What you want to do is to eliminate the underlying reason that is causing the propioniform bacteria to result in these cysts or lesions. Fortunately, there are some very simple strategies that will accomplish just that, that work nearly every single time. 

What most experts will tell you about acne is that diet has nothing to do with it. Well nothing could be further from the truth.

What has become clearly apparent is that your diet has everything to do with it.  

If you are predisposed to developing these acne lesions, and are eating a diet that is causing your insulin levels and associated insulin growth factors to rise, then you will have acne.  

This happens because when you eat refined carbohydrates and sugar, it causes a surge of insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 in your body. This can lead to an excess of male hormones, which cause your pores to secrete sebum, a greasy substance that attracts acne-promoting bacteria. Additionally, IGF-1 causes skin cells known as keratinocytes to multiply, a process that is also associated with acne. 

So, the simple solution is to radically reduce the amount of food you consume that is causing your body to make insulin. The main culprits here are sugar, and ALL grain carbohydrates as they’re converted into sugar in your body. This includes food items such as: 

  • Bread
  • Cereal
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Corn  

The confusion here is the thought that you can have a healthy grain. Please understand that even a high quality, organic, whole wheat bread will cause this problem because it’s still a carbohydrate.  

Another confusion is thinking that corn is a vegetable. It’s actually a grain, and a very high density carbohydrate, which should be avoided. Even fruits will likely increase the amount of insulin in your body, and as a result can exacerbate your acne if you’re predisposed to it.  

You’ll want to replace sugars and grain carbohydrates with vegetable carbohydrates according to your nutritional type, as they metabolize slowly and tend to not cause spikes in your insulin production.  

Other Important Factors to Consider When Treating Acne 

There are two other important factors to consider, especially if you’ve tried the conventional approach to treating your acne.  

Establish proper balance of bacteria -- If you’ve been given antibiotics it’s very important to take a probiotic supplement. Antibiotics are indiscriminate killers that wipe out good bacteria in your gut as well as the propioniform bacteria on your face. One common side effect of that is an overgrowth of yeast. If you are a woman, you may experience vaginal yeast infections, but both men and women can develop candida as a result of disrupting the balance of bacteria in your gut. 

Of course, by reducing your intake of food that bad bacteria and yeast thrive on, i.e. sugars and carbs, you will also help reestablish the proper balance of bacteria in your gut. 

Optimize your vitamin D levels – Lastly, what we’ve now found is that vitamin D is crucially important to establishing a healthy immune system and controlling virtually any type of infection.  

When you optimize your vitamin D levels you make over 200 antimicrobial peptides (also called host defense peptides). They are an essential component of your innate immune response, and are potent, broad spectrum antibiotics.  

The best way to optimize your vitamin D levels is to expose large portions of your skin to healthy amounts of sunshine – just enough to cause your skin to turn a very light pink. Your body can produce as much as 20,000 IU’s with this level of exposure on most of your body. After that your body will not make any more vitamin D, and you may in fact cause skin damage if you stay out any longer. 

By exposing yourself to the sun, or using a safe tanning bed, you will optimize your vitamin D production naturally, and virtually eliminate the need to do any blood testing.  

If you don’t have access to regular sun exposure or a safe tanning bed, you’ll want to consider supplementing with oral vitamin D. Typically the oral doses are several thousand units a day, ranging from 2-3,000 to as much as 10,000 IU’s per day. But if you chose that route, only do so if you’re monitoring your vitamin D levels with a blood test at regular intervals.  

These are the simple strategies I wish I knew when I was younger. I encourage you to try them out because there’s a strong probability they will virtually eliminate your acne, and all the associated emotional and psychological pain that so frequently affects those with this condition.

Natural Solutions for Acne 

Acne, whether it is severe or not, is extremely burdensome. Typically, one suffering from acne feels self-conscious, embarrassed and helpless. That is why many people turn to oral acne medications to clear up their unpleasant imperfections.

However, taking such medications come at a major price, as they compromise one's safety. For example, acne medication, Accutane (or generically known as isotretinoin), may be associated with feelings of depression and suicide.

In light of this evidence, researchers conducted studies to discover what affect Accutane had on the brains of patients using it. The study involved 28 young adults who were divided into two groups: those taking Accutane and others using antibiotics. Before taking treatments, patients received positron emission tomography (PET) scans, which measured the activity regions in their brains. Researchers found no correlation between severe acne and feelings of depression.

The patients then took their assigned medications, and after four months, received a second PET scan. Researchers found:

  • Those taking Accutane showed a 21 percent decrease in orbitofrontal cortex (front part of the brain) activity, which is the part of the brain that plays a critical role in mood and social interaction
  • Those who took alternative antibiotics did not show any change from the first PET scan to the second

In addition to depression and suicidal behavior, using Accutane may cause psychosis and aggressive behavior.

With acne affecting about 85 percent of the population at some time in their life, it is the most common skin disease addressed by dermatologists. However, conventional approaches to treating acne, such as Accutane, merely focus on treating the symptoms and NEVER actually address the cause.

The problem with this approach: Antibiotics invariably kill beneficial bacteria in the colon and set the stage for problems with chronic yeast infections. Further, while these dermatologists claim diet has nothing to do with acne -- nothing could be further from the truth!

So you may be wondering why doctors typically don't tell you that diet influences acne. Well, doctors cannot sell you a healthy diet, and they are under strong influence by the drug companies to prescribe expensive and sometimes harmful topical acne creams and antibiotics. The only person getting rich from a healthy diet recommendation is YOU (from all the money you will save from NOT buying expensive medications.)

The real answer to controlling acne is by optimizing your insulin levels. The best way to do that is to avoid sugar and grains.

This is especially beneficial for someone suffering from acne, as eating refined carbohydrates and sugar leads to a surge of insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 in your body. This can lead to an excess of male hormones, which cause pores in the skin to secrete sebum, a greasy substance that attracts acne-promoting bacteria. Additionally, IGF-1 causes skin cells known as keratinocytes to multiply, a process that is associated with acne.

Also, stress has the ability to worsen just about every disease we encounter, and this includes acne. That’s why it is so important to have an effective tool to help you with your stress before it becomes overwhelming.

There are a variety of ways that you can do this -- yoga, meditation or making sure you get enough quality sleep. Find a method that works best for you.

My favorite tool for relieving stress is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) energy psychology tool. EFT is a psychological acupressure technique that can help you to channel your stress-related thoughts and leave you feeling calmer and more able to face your challenges. 

Raw Food is Alive!

The primary reason for making sure you get plenty of raw food in your diet is due to what’s called ‘biophotons.’ It’s a term you may not have heard of before, but in Europe, Germany in particular, there’s a lot of research in this area. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has also discussed it in some detail in one of his expert interviews for my Inner Circle program. 

Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light, which are stored in, and used by all biological organisms – including your body. Vital sun energy finds its way into your cells via the food you eat, in the form of these biophotons.

They contain important bio-information, which controls complex vital processes in your body. The biophotons have the power to order and regulate, and, in doing so, to elevate the organism – in this case, your physical body -- to a higher oscillation or order.
This is manifested as a feeling of vitality and well-being. 

Every living organism emits biophotons or low-level luminescence (light with a wavelength between 200 and 800 nanometers). It is thought that the higher the level of light energy a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual which consumes it.
The more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is. Naturally grown fresh vegetables, for example, and sun-ripened fruits, are rich in light energy. The capacity to store biophotons is therefore a measure of the quality of your food.

Now, the DNA inside each of your body’s cells vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work). The vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and each time it contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton; a light particle.
All the biophotons emitted from your body communicate with each other in a highly structured light field that surrounds your body. This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes.  For more in-depth information about how this works, I recommend you view the video clip of my interview with Dr. Klinghardt.
But that brings me to my second point for eating raw.
Cooking Destroys Valuable Enzymes 

Enzymes are proteins; catalysts to speed up and facilitate reactions in your body. In fact, some biochemical reactions will not even occur without these enzymes (you have about 1,300 of them).
Cooking your food, especially at high temperatures, destroys these naturally occurring enzymes. 

In addition to getting enzymes from fresh, raw food, you can also help stimulate the production of enzymes in your body simply by chewing. When you chew your food, a signal is transmitted from your brain to your stomach that tells your stomach to increase the production of enzymes.
Interestingly, as a side note, that’s why you don’t want to chew gum that much. When you chew gum, you’re actually sending a false signal to your body to create enzymes when you don’t need them. You’re essentially wasting your enzyme production. This is a challenge because as you age -- especially in a culture that focuses on processed foods -- about one-third of your body’s ability to produce enzymes is lost by the age of 40!
This is why many people find they benefit from enzyme supplementation as they get older, and we’ve found this to be true for a large number of patients in my clinic as well. 

You May Need an Enzyme Supplement as You Get Older

There are many different options to choose from when selecting an enzyme supplement, so I decided to produce what I believe to be one of the highest quality enzyme products on the market today. My formula contains a number of combinations of enzymes that are just not present in most other products, including:
Papain and bromelain (from papaya and pineapple) to help digest proteins 
Amylase, to aid in digestion of carbohydrates like starches and sugars 
Alpha galactosidase, to help digest beans and prevent gas 
Ox bile, which is particularly useful for digesting fats. It’s especially helpful if you have problems with your gallbladder, or had your gallbladder removed
The Bottom Line 

Ideally, your best bet is to consume  raw foods as much as possible. If you aren’t doing that already, you’ll want to gradually increase the amount of raw food in your diet as it will help your body produce more enzymes, and supply you with vital, live nutrients. Then, if still necessary, take a high quality enzyme supplement.
Lastly, make sure you’re chewing your food – take your time; savor it! (But avoid chewing gum.) 
These are some very simple strategies that you and your family can adopt to help yourselves take control of your health!  

Dr, Merkola  

Bleached Flour

The Little-Known Secrets about Bleached Flour... 
by Dr. Mercola

Nearly everyone knows that white flour is not healthy for you, but most people don’t know that when white flour is bleached, it can actually be FAR worse for you. 

It’s generally understood that refining food destroys nutrients. With the most nutritious part of the grain removed, white flour essentially becomes a form of sugar. Consider what gets lost in the refining process:

Half of the beneficial unsaturated fatty acids
Virtually all of the vitamin E 
Fifty percent of the calcium
Seventy percent of the phosphorus
Eighty percent of the iron
Ninety eight percent of the magnesium
Fifty to 80 percent of the B vitamins

And many more nutrients are destroyed -- simply too many to list.

The Journey of the Wheat Berry

Have you ever wondered how white flour is made?

The website Healthy Eating Politics has an interesting article about the process. 
Most commercial wheat production is, unfortunately, a “study in pesticide application,” beginning with the seeds being treated with fungicide. Once they become wheat, they are sprayed with hormones and pesticides. Even the bins in which the harvested wheat is stored have been coated with insecticides. If bugs appear on the wheat in storage, they fumigate the grain. 

A whole grain of wheat, sometimes called a wheat berry, is composed of three layers: 
The bran
The germ
The endosperm

The bran is the layer where you’ll find most of the fiber, and it’s the hard outer shell of the kernel. The germ is the nutrient-rich embryo that will sprout into a new wheat plant. The endosperm is the largest part of the grain (83 percent), making up most of the kernel, and it’s mostly starch. 

White flour is made from the endosperm only, whereas whole-wheat flour combines all three parts of the wheat berry. 

Old time mills ground flour slowly, but today’s mills are designed for mass-production, using high-temperature, high-speed steel rollers. The resulting white flour is nearly all starch, and even much of today’s commercially processed whole wheat flour has lost a fair amount of nutritional value due to these aggressive processing methods.

White flour contains a small fraction of the nutrients of the original grain, with the heat of the steel rollers having destroyed what little nutrients remain. But then it is hit with another chemical insult--a chlorine gas bath (chlorine oxide). This serves as a whitener, as well as an “aging” agent. 

Flour used to be aged with time, improving the gluten and thus improving the baking quality. Now, it is treated  with chlorine  to instantly produce similar qualities in the flour (with a disturbing lack of concern about adding another dose of chemicals to your food). 

According to Jim Bair, Vice President of the North American Millers Association: 

“Today, the US milling industry produces about 140 million pounds of flour each day, so there is no way to store the flour to allow it to age naturally. Plus, there is a shelf life issue.” 

It has not been determined how many mills are bleaching flour with chorine oxide, but we do know the use of chlorides for bleaching flour is considered an industry standard. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines chlorine gas as a flour-bleaching, aging and oxidizing agent that is a powerful irritant, dangerous to inhale, and lethal. Other agents also used include oxides of nitrogen, nitrosyl, and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemical salts. 

The chlorine gas undergoes an oxidizing chemical reaction with some of the proteins in the flour, producing alloxan as an unintended byproduct. Bair and other milling industry leaders claim that bleaching and oxidizing agents don’t leave behind harmful residues in flour, although they can cite no studies or published data to confirm this. 

Why Bleaching Makes White Flour Even Worse

It has been shown that alloxan is a byproduct of the flour bleaching process, the process they use to make flour look so “clean” and -- well, white. No, they are technically not adding alloxan to the flour -- although you will read this bit of misinformation on the Internet. But, they are doing chemical treatments to the grain that result in the formation of alloxan in the flour.

With so little food value already in a piece of white bread, now there is potentially a chemical poison lurking in there as well. 

So what is so bad about alloxan?

Alloxan, or C4 H2O4N2, is a product of the decomposition of uric acid. It is a poison that is used to produce diabetes in healthy experimental animals (primarily rats and mice), so that researchers can then study diabetes “treatments” in the lab. Alloxan causes diabetes because it spins up enormous amounts of free radicals in pancreatic beta cells, thus destroying them. 

Beta cells are the primary cell type in areas of your pancreas called islets of Langerhans, and they produce insulin; so if those are destroyed, you get diabetes.

There is no other commercial application for alloxan -- it is used exclusively in the medical research industry because it is so highly toxic.
Given the raging epidemic of diabetes and other chronic diseases in this country, can you afford to be complacent about a toxin such as this in your bread, even if it is present in small amounts?

Just How Much is Too Much?

Similar to disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in water, alloxan is formed when the chlorine reacts with certain proteins remaining in the white flour after the bran and germ have been removed. Protein makes up between 5 percent and 15 percent of white flour, depending on whether it’s cake flour, or high-gluten flour, such as what’s used for pizza crust or bagels. 

So, this would suggest that perhaps 5 to 15 grams of protein per 100 grams of flour could be contaminated.

However, according to Professor Joe Schwarcz, Director of the McGill University Office of Science and Society, alloxan is the byproduct of xantophyll oxidation only. Xantophylls are yellow compounds in wheat that react with oxygen, causing flour to turn white.
According to Mr. Schwarcz:

“One of the possible minor side products of xantophyll oxidation is alloxan. It may therefore be found in small amounts in flour. There is no available research that shows trace amounts are a problem or that alloxan builds up in the body. The amounts, if present at all, must be small because xantophylls themselves only occur to the extent of 1 microgram per gram of flour.”

Alloxan has not been studied in terms of human exposure, particularly long-term. There is just so much we don’t know, and you know what assumptions will get you.
Alloxan in Rats vs Alloxan in Humans

Scientists have long known that alloxan produces selective destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, causing hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis in laboratory animals. Alloxan is structurally similar to glucose, which might explain why the pancreatic beta cells selectively take it up.
According to Dr. Hari Sharma’s Freedom from Disease, alloxan causes free radical damage to DNA in the beta cells of the pancreas, causing them to malfunction and die. When they fail to function normally, they no longer produce enough insulin.
Even though the toxic effect of alloxan is common scientific knowledge in the research community, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still allows companies to use chemical processes in which the end result is toxic food. Until they unequivocally prove something is toxic by way of human deaths, severe side effects, or when the public screams loudly enough, the FDA is not likely to protect you. 

Until then, it is you who must protect yourself.

If you have diabetes, or cancer, have a compromised immune system, or if you are in some other high-risk category as tens of millions of North Americans are, you need to know what foods contain hazardous ingredients so you can avoid them. But in the case of alloxan, there is no way to know, either by reading the ingredient list or by any other means, that it might be in your food! 

History of Bleaching Flour -- Pillsbury and the FDA

An interesting sideline to this whole flour story lies in the origins of the FDA. 

Bleaching and oxidizing agents weren’t developed to produce quick aging of wheat flour (within 48 hours) until the early 1900s. Prior to that, it required several months for oxygen to condition flour naturally.

When bleaching was introduced, it was vehemently opposed. 

The first major consumer advocate was Harvey W. Wiley, MD, who eventually became known as the “Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act” of 1906.  Mr. Wiley was head of the Bureau of Chemistry, which was the precursor to the FDA. Wiley crusaded against benzoic acid, sulfites, saccharin, and bleached flour, among other food additives and adulterants.

Dr. Wiley felt so strongly about preventing the bleaching of flour that he took it all the way to the Supreme Court. They ruled that flour could not be bleached or “adulterated” in any way. However, it was never enforced. 

Wiley believed that foods posed a greater risk to the public than adulterated or misbranded drugs. He constantly butted heads with Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson and President Roosevelt over food regulation.
Soon, Wiley’s personal administrative authority was undercut when Wilson created the Board of Food and Drug Inspection in 1907 and the Referee Board of Consulting Scientific Experts in 1908, one of which was reportedly headed by someone who had been working at Pillsbury, although I have not been able to verify this addendum.

Finally, in 1912, Dr. Wiley quit as director out of frustration, although he continued as a vocal consumer advocate for many years.

The government replaced Dr. Wiley with Dr. Elmer Nelson. Dr. Nelson was the polar opposite to Wiley , and was quoted as saying:

”It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a poorly fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove that dietary deficiencies make one susceptible to disease.”

Therein lies the foundation of the FDA. Since Dr. Wiley resigned, the FDA has continued to shift its focus on drugs, since Wiley was never able to convince the government of the dangers from chemicals in our foods. He was truly a pioneer and a century ahead of his time!

Food For Thought

The important point to take away is, beware of any processed food because chemicals are always used. And we simply don’t know what the long-term effects will be of ingesting chemicals, on top of chemicals, on top of more chemicals.

Strive to stick to whole unprocessed foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. If you’re going to eat grains, make sure they are at the least unbleached, whole, and organic, and eat them in the proportion that is best for your nutritional type.