If you’re one of more than 20 millionAmericans struggling to control your blood sugar—you may already know about the distressing health problems it can cause.
But according to theAmerican DiabetesAssociation—nearly onethird of these folks don’t even know they have this condition!And that’s what makes it a dangerous threat to your health…
Many people only realize they have blood sugar problems when they develop one of its lifethreatening complications such as:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Kidney disease or failure
Nervous system damage
Limb amputations
Dental disease
Pregnancy complications
Sexual dysfunction
The pharmaceutical companies have plenty of drugs to help you deal with blood sugar imbalances.
…The side effects of some of these drugs can beWORSE than the disease they’re supposed to treat!
For example, the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) recently mandated the use of a “black box” warning on the diabetes drug Avandia®.
This strong warning label emphasizes that the drug, “may cause or worsen heart failure in certain patients.”
AWebMD report said experts overwhelmingly stated the drug boosts the risk of heart attack and other dangerous heart problems. Despite this disturbing admission—an agency advisory panel voted 22 to 1 in favor of
allowing continued sales to U.S. patients!
But here’s some good news!
You can balance your blood sugar naturally, simply by using nutrients straight from Mother Nature’s pharmacy!
These natural solutions are so safe and effective—they’re changing
the way many doctors recommend treating blood sugar imbalances.
These remarkable nutrients can help your body process insulin… lower sugar levels…and even help you shed unwanted pounds!
Before you learn more about these superstar nutrients—you should first understand how blood sugar problems develop. You should also know how to determine if you’re at risk for developing them…
Know How to Recognize Different Types of Blood Sugar Problems Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body does not produce or properly use the hormone insulin. Your body needs insulin to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy.When glucose builds up in your blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems:
Your cells become starved for energy—and prevent your body from
functioning properly!
Over time, you’ll experience damage to your eyes…kidneys…nerves…and even your heart!
Doctors and researchers are still unsure about the cause of diabetes—
although genetics, obesity, and lack of exercise appear to play roles.
The American Diabetes Association says there are four major types of blood sugar problems. This includes:
Type I diabetes—develops when your immune system destroys
accounts for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.
Gestational diabetes—a form of glucose intolerance during pregnancy requiring treatment to stabilize blood sugar levels; 70% of women with gestational diabetes develop Type II diabetes at some point during their lifetime.
Pre-diabetes—occurs when you have blood glucose levels higher than normal—but not high enough to be classified as diabetes; more than 54 millionAmericans have pre-diabetes.
Doctors use one of two tests to diagnose whether you have prediabetes
or diabetes. They are:
1) Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG)—measures blood sugar levels after a minimum 12-hour fast.A fasting glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl signals pre-diabetes. Levels of 126 mg/dl or higher indicate
2) Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)—measures your blood glucose level after a fast, then two hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage.
If the two-hour blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl,the person tested has pre-diabetes. If the two-hour blood glucose level is
at 200 mg/dl or higher, the person tested has diabetes.
Whether or not you’ve taken and received results from these tests—you can take steps to help control your blood sugar without dangerous drugs! You’re about to discover natural herbs and nutrients so powerful……They’re even BIGGER news than the discovery of insulin!
The Safest Secrets to Lowering Blood Sugar!
It might seem hard to imagine that a few herbs can help you win the battle of blood sugar imbalances—but it’s TRUE!
Numerous scientific reports prove these remarkable nutrients live up
to their claims.
Let’s examine each of these super nutrients individually…
Gymnema Sylvestre
For more than 2,000 years,people in India have used the herb Gymnema sylvestre to help control blood sugar. In fact, the leaves of this climbing plant are prized by practitioners ofAyurvedic medicine—the holistic system of healing developed in India and practiced by the renowned doctor Deepak Chopra.
The herb is also called “gurmar,” which literally means “destroyer of
sugar” in Hindi. This name describes the way that chewing the leaves
interferes with your ability to taste sweetness. Because this amazing
herb decreases the sensation of sweetness in many foods, this may reduce your cravings for sugary snacks. Recent scientific studies indicate Gymnema sylvestre helps:
Balance your fasting blood sugar level…
Control hemoglobinA1c (average blood sugar levels for three months)…
Improve your body’s glycemic control…
Increase the effectiveness of insulin…
Gymnema sylvestre helps control abnormal blood sugar levels by reducing your absorption of glucose. Just how does it work? The herb contains gymnemic acids, which are known to suppress glucose absorption. Gymnema
sylvestre also helps your pancreas make more insulin to balance blood
sugar levels. These findings are backed by numerous clinical studies.
Dr. K. Baskaran published a study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology involving patients who took 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre extract daily
for 18 to 20 months along with their oral medications. This group showed a significant reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels!
Scientific research confirms the powerful sugar busting effects of
Gymnema sylvestre! But there’s yet another nutrient that can help ease your sugar cravings…
Another weapon in nature’s arsenal of sugar fighters is the mineral chromium. Chromium aids in digestion and helps move blood glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for energy. It also helps turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. The result? Balanced blood
sugar…fewer sugar cravings and energy crashes…and improved fat metabolism, to name a few. What’s more, chromium is critical for healthy insulin function. Without enough chromium in your body, insulin just doesn’t work properly. Chromium exists in many foods including:
Brewer’s yeast
Potatoes (especially in the skin)
Whole-grain breads and cereals
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Despite the wide availability of chromium from food sources, research shows that 90% of American adults have a chromium deficient diet! Could this be a key reason why an increasing number ofAmericans suffer blood sugar problems?
Believe it or not—your kitchen probably already contains a key ingredient to help you control unhealthy blood sugar levels. Recent
scientific discoveries prove that a commonly used spice helps regulate
blood sugar in ways previously unknown. Scientists at the aryland-based
Human Nutrition Research Center were studying the effects of common
foods on blood sugar. Dr. Richard Anderson, lead scientist and chemist,
noticed that when patients ate apple pie…their blood sugar levels
actually IMPROVED! Further investigation revealed it was the CINNAMON in the apple pie—that helped their blood sugar levels!
But you might be wondering, “How on earth can eating cinnamon affect my blood sugar?” Researchers discovered that cinnamon actually increases your glucose metabolism. It contains a compound called methyhydroxy chalcone polymer—or MHCP for short—that works with insulin to help process glucose. In fact, a laboratory test conducted by the U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) showed MHCP increased glucose etabolism by roughly 20 times! Just think…20 times more energy to help sustain you while you work, exercise, and take care of other daily activities!
Banaba Leaf Extract
Traditionally, people living in the Philippines, SouthAsia, and India
have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help regulate blood sugar. In fact,
some natural healers sing its praises as a medicinal plant. Extract
Traditionally, people living in the Philippines, SouthAsia, and India
have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help regulate blood sugar. In fact,
some natural healers sing its praises as a medicinal plant.
Medical scientists believe that banaba leaf’s beneficial effects on
blood sugar are due to its high concentration of corosolic acid, a
natural compound extracted from its leaves. Corosolic acid mimics insulin by moving sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells.
And numerous scientific studies have proven banaba leaf’s effectiveness.
In one study1, patients with blood sugar concerns took a supplement
containing banaba leaf or a placebo three times a day for four weeks.
The placebo group had no change, but the banaba leaf group achieved very good results for blood sugar balancing. With banaba leaf helping control your blood sugar fluctuations…
…You can also experience healthy weight loss. In fact, some folks have reported an average of two to four pounds a month!
Modern science is shedding new light on another traditional folk remedy which delivers excellent health benefits. Fenugreek is a herb native to the Mediterranean, Ukraine, India, and China.
Its medicinal use was first mentioned 3,500 years ago in the Egyptian Ebers Papyri. Practitioners ofAyurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have used the herb for more than 2,000 years.
Modern scientists now know fenugreek helps balance your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose. Fenugreek seed stimulates insulin
release. This helps food sugars reach your cells properly.
In one study2, patients with blood sugar concerns were divided into two
groups. Group One received one gram of fenugreek seed extract and Group Two received a combination of dietary control, exercise, and a placebo capsule for two months.
The results? Group One patients saw more positive results for blood
sugar, insulin resistance, cholesterol,and triglycerides, compared to
Group Two. And that’s not all…Three more studies 3,4,5 confirm that fenugreek seed extract helps stabilize blood sugar in patients with
blood sugar and insulin problems. Why such results? The seeds of
fenugreek are rich in dietary fiber and other natural compounds which
help balance your blood sugar!
Although it may be unknown to most people in theWest—bitter melon has long been used in South America, the Caribbean, EastAfrica, and the Orient as both food and a natural medicine.And scientific studies prove its value for treating blood sugar problems.
For example, two studies6,7 show bitter melon could play a key role in
helping to balance insulin in your body—which of course means healthy blood sugar control.
And another study8 showed bitter melon had positive effects on the
serum glucose levels of those taking it, following both fasting and eating!
People with blood sugar problems often battle with high cholesterol too. And drug makers will push statin drugs as your best bet for lowering cholesterol.
But, they won’t tell you about the side effects ranging from exhaustion
and nerve damage to memory loss and even impotence!
But don’t worry—Mother Nature’s safer, more effective alternative is the nutrient policosanol. This nutrient is a mixture of fatty alcohols derived from sugar cane wax.Anumber of controlled studies have shown that policosanol is an effective way to help reduce high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
In one study, participants received 20 mg or 40 mg per day of policosanol or a placebo for six months. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol decreased significantly and HDL cholesterol increased in both groups receiving policosanol. None of the cholesterol readings changed in participants who took a placebo. And what’s even better is neither group reported any negative side effects from taking policosanol!
So if you’ve resigned yourself to a life filled by downing daily
prescription medications…jabbing yourself with insulin…and praying
that you don’t succumb to kidney failure or a brain disaster?
This doesn’t have to be YOUR fate—now that you know about nature’s premium nutrients for balancing blood sugar!
Cinnamon…Gymnema sylvestre…fenugreek…and the other superstar nutrients described in this report can be your healthy solution for balanced blood sugar— and optimal health!
Did you know…?
Type I diabetes was previously called juvenile-onset diabetes or
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). People with this form
must have insulin delivered by injection or pump to survive.
You’re at greater risk for Type I diabetes if you have parents or
siblings with the disease.
Type II diabetes was previously called adult-onset diabetes or
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Certain ethnic
groups are at higher risk for developing Type II diabetes including:
African Americans
Hispanic/Latino Americans
American Indians
Asian Americans
Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders
Many people with Type II diabetes can manage their blood glucose by following a healthy eating plan… adopting a regular exercise program… and losing excess weight. In some cases, doctors may recommend oral medication to regulate blood sugar levels.
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