Androgen blockade—a procedure performed when a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer—is the killing of all testosterone production because of the ridiculous idea that testosterone promotes prostate cancer. But this procedure can cause heart attacks! And there are only a couple of other options for men with prostate cancer in the United States—and every option has side effects worse than the disease. However, you can use some natural alternatives to treat, or safeguard against, prostate cancer.
Androgen blockade is a term used when there is a diagnosis of prostate cancer. It is generally accepted and widely done by "orthodox" medicine.
This procedure is the killing of all male testosterone production relying on the foolish notion that testosterone promotes or causes prostate cancer.
Now, as you would expect, the word is coming out that this procedure causes heart attacks.
Anybody who knows anything about male testosterone would be adamantly opposed to androgen blockade.Even in Germany they are using androgen blockade on male prostate patients. The "alternative" Germans were insisting on androgen blockade. It seemed they thought that if one had BPH, there was prostate cancer.
By the way, their radio wave procedure was very successful, giving me relief to this day. You can contact them at: Phone 011-49-8061-435, via the internet at or by email at They are part of The Cancer Cure Foundation. A U.S. number for The Cancer Cure Foundation is 800-282-2873. They can be accessed via the internet at or by email at
In the U.S., prostate cancer means that a male is limited to three options. They are, of course, surgery, radioactive implants or androgen blockade along with anti-hormone (testosterone removal) or doing nothing. Unless a prostate cancer is fast growing, you will probably die of old age, not cancer.
Proton Beam Therapy is now being used with the technology to focus and pinpoint the beam to deliver maximum radiation. "Orthodox" procedures here listed are, for the most part, far worse than the prostate cancer. There is potentially a long list of debilitating side effects as thousands of men have found.
You can almost count on impotence, incontinence and death, in many cases.
Like every other health problem, prostate cancer originates because of a deficit of omega-3 fatty acids. I am convinced that every male should, at an early age, start on omega-3 fatty acids for prostate health and cancer prevention. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for healthy cell membranes and to transport calcium (lactate) into white blood cells, where it is used to support cell motility and phagocytosis.
Essential fatty acids are very, very important for the proper functioning of the immune system. There are many combinations of omega-3 fatty acids that include EPA, DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil is a basic supply of these nutrients.
Incidentally, cervical cancer, or the prevention of cervical cancer, requires the same omega-3 fatty acids plus calcium lactate plus vitamin C complex (Cataplex C).
An excellent prostate formula for cancer prevention: Di-indole methane (DIM) splits off estrogen into weaker forms stopping the growth of cancer cells.
I also take a fantastic supplement for the prostate as well as Cataplex F.
What about testosterone, that elixir of life that most all of "orthodox conventional" medicine wants to kill?
You know, this murder of testosterone reminds me of the Civil War when doctors would bleed wounded soldiers. They would set up shock and the poor soldier would of course promptly die. If there is anything worse than witchcraft, it would have to be "modern medicine.
"Men, and ladies, too (ladies use 1/10th as much), you should protect your testosterone in youth as much as you can, even as I do, supplementing with natural testosterone from your compounding pharmacy. Get the topical cream. Doctors invariably confuse natural testosterone with synthetic testosterone drugs (anabolic steroids) often used by athletes. They just can’t get over it.
Why, my friends, does God load young men with testosterone?
To quote from the book, Maximize Your Vitality and Potency by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., page 119:"Testosterone is a primary factor in the health of the heart and blood vessels.“Since testosterone levels decline with age, restoring testosterone (and DHEA) to youthful levels can yield significant health benefits, including protection against the various manifestations of atherosclerotic disease.
“Applying the natural testosterone hormone does many things for the vascular system.
• It reduces the tendency of blood to clot. (Sludging and clotting increases with age.)
• It reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.
• It reduces blood glucose levels.
• It decreases visceral fat mass.
"It is recommended that Dr. Jonathan Wright’s book should be read—it takes off the blinders of conventional medicine. This book can be bought from or 1-800-851-7100.
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is part of the body’s basic emergency response system in which the liver produces concentrations of protein during times of severe inflammation. While inflammation is a normal response of the body to disease, injury or infections, an overzealous inflammatory response can do more harm than good—and lead to inflammatory diseases. So everyone should get a C-Reactive Protein test CRP, which predicts future heart disease and strokes! Read more on how you could be a walking time bomb—and what you can do about it…
C-Reactive protein (CRP) is the concentration of a protein that is produced by the liver during episodes of acute inflammation. It is a part of the body’s basic emergency response system.
As far as my study goes, everybody should at least have a CRP test annually.CRP is a health marker that indicates early signs of the risk of heart disease and stroke. Without this test most doctors rely on lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides) as their indicators or predictors of heart disease and stroke. Evidence is substantial that high CRP levels double the risk of heart disease and stroke. Millions of people have normal cholesterol levels but high levels of inflammation in their cardiovascular system as identified by the CRP blood test.
Many studies in the last few years have shown that inflammation is always present in the heart blood vessels of heart attack patients with normal cholesterol levels.An inflammatory response is a normal response to disease or injury and particularly to infection. The trouble with inflammation is that it is sometimes an over response doing more harm than good.
It is now clear that atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is an inflammatory disease rather than a cholesterol buildup problem.Infection and inflammation are closely related. Researchers have suspected for some time that artery disease may have an infectious component.Chronic low level or subclinical infection or inflammation is a tipoff that something is out of stasis, or balance. Those who have had bacterial or viral infections are more susceptible later to inflammation leading to heart attacks or stroke.
A CRP blood test can accurately predict future heart problems even in otherwise low risk patients, such as those who don’t smoke, who have normal cholesterol and blood pressure, and no family history of heart disease or diabetes.Above normal CRP has multiple, independent affects that cause heart disease not seen and not suspected. The very important thing is that a CRP blood test may predict many months or years in advance of an incident.
Keep in mind that many heart disease risk factors such as obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and high blood pressure are all known to increase inflammation and CRP levels. In fact, fat cells by themselves and independent of the rest of the body produce inflammation and higher CRP levels leading to heart disease. Fat is an organ in and by itself that can, over time, destroy the rest of the body with subclinical infection and eventually heart disease.
Many of us are dying as walking time bombs, totally unsuspecting.What to do? Get a CRP test at least once a year. Be sure to get the high-sensitivity CRP test because it can detect the extremely low level of inflammation (infection) linked to early heart disease.Get inflammation down to get CRP down.It’s what you eat! The American people live on commercial non-foods.
Get off all trans fats such as French fries, cookies and crackers.With high CRP goes high ratios of omega-6s to omega-3s. To restore balance to approximately 1:3, take high dose fish oil (3 teaspoons daily), and eat fish three to five times weekly. Be careful of other blood thinners because fish oil is a natural blood thinner—one of the best. Too much omega-3 fatty acids could cause bleeding in some people. Not much of a risk though, in my opinion. But be sure to see your doctor—especially if you are on any prescription drugs.
Reference: C-Reactive Protein by Scott J. Deron, D.O., FACC.
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