Powerful Tips for Your Health. There are many natural remedies for your health problems that yield great results. There are natural blood thinners that also help with men’s prostate problems and fight inflammation. And if you want an alternative method to help prevent hot flashes, strokes, lower blood sugar and cholesterol or help offset allergic reactions, read this article for more information…
Seniors, Take Note—Cholesterol is in your favor after about age 75. The higher your cholesterol, the longer you will live, so say studies. Cholesterol drugs are commerce in my opinion. Cod liver oil and fish oil are the naturals for blood thinners and very, very essential omega-3s. Beware though, if you bite through a fish oil capsule and it tastes fishy—don’t take it because it’s rancid.There is nothing better than fish oil and cod liver oil for men’s prostate. Herbal supplements help, but the fish oil is basic.
High Insulin—It equals more fat and more inflammation because the more obese we are, the more insulin we are making and the more inflammation we are generating. This is what we call compounding in reverse. Again, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids have profound anti-inflammatory effects. Cod liver oil is all grandma had and she lived to be 91! Eat sardines every time you can. She did.Reduce Calories—I don’t want to hear it, but my study more and more says that to slow down the aging process, reduce calories. Our body works itself to death processing food.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)—The number one alternative to HRT is Black Cohosh, which is excellent for hot flashes.There are bad studies by people who don’t like herbs, but they are nonsense. Take 100 to 500 mgs of Black Cohosh daily as your needs demand. And yes, you need quality herbs from Western Europe and Australia where a strict code of pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices is applied by law to herbal products.
CoQ10 to Prevent Strokes—Yes, 100 to 400 mg per day says Dr. James Balch. If you are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), you had absolutely better take CoQ10.
Blood Sugar—To lower blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides and to cleanse the liver, take milk thistle.
Allergic Reaction—If serious but not yet an emergency requiring a trip to the hospital, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) stirred in water and drunk as rapidly as possible can bring the reaction under control in quick time. Why does it work? It works because acute allergic reactions bring on a rapid acidification of the bloodstream. Baking soda neutralizes the acidity quickly and can usually reverse the allergic reaction.Immunizations and vaccinations made with live viruses have increased dramatically in the last 25 years. Immune systems, especially in children, can’t handle the load. So allergic reactions go up and up. Immunizations of innocent children is an assault by the state upon their person.
Stomach acid—Activates pepsin, an enzyme secreted by the stomach lining to digest proteins into amino acids and peptides.Many seniors are starving to death because they are not digesting proteins for lack of stomach acid. Lots of chronic illness and death originates from low stomach acid. TV commercials doctor us with antacids. This should be exposed as murder. It never will be. The simple answer is betaine hydrochloride which you can get from a supplement company.
Constipation—Use any one or any two:
• Olive oil—4 ounces of extra virgin olive oil with a juice.
• Ascorbic Acid—Commonly known as vitamin C. This will flush you in a hurry. If too acidic, get sodium ascorbate.
• Magnesium—One gram, three times a day.
Most people only need one of these. All are good for you. I know that you need the magnesium, whoever you are.The research is mind-boggling!
Over 90 percent of the American people are low in magnesium.Why are only 10 percent of the French obese, while in England 22 percent are fat, and in the U.S. 33 percent are fat? The answer is the French eat animal fat, raw butter, cream, steak and duck. Americans eat sugar in large amounts.
Have you noticed that establishment medicine and media blame smoking and cholesterol for most of our health problems? They never, never mention SUGAR—the actual killer. The Sugar Trust won’t let them.Yes, it is very difficult to eat in America without sugar. Food processors see to this.Most diseases in America are really just one disease—the Sugar Disease.
Prostate Cancer Witchcraft—Above I mentioned how important omega-3 fatty acids are. Add to this testosterone. You know how establishment medicine tries to reduce testosterone with what they call androgen-blockade. Their foolish theory is that testosterone causes prostate cancer, so they attempt to cut testosterone off in prostate cancer patients so it won’t "drive tumor growth."Men who get prostate cancer usually have very low testosterone. This is age related. Young men have peak testosterone and most (almost none) have prostate cancer. According to this, don’t the medical people have all this backwards?Incidentally, their success rate is near zero. If you survive their witchcraft, you would have anyway.Your urologist may not agree, but men, your first line of defense against prostate cancer may be a high blood level of testosterone.Says Dr. William Douglas in Real Health Breakthroughs, that testosterone is very protective, as well as an anti-aging hormone for men. We should strive to maintain a testosterone blood level of the average 20-year-old man. You can get 5 percent testosterone cream by prescription from your compounding pharmacy or get the same effect with a homeopathic compound.
Zinc Deficiency & Cancer—Zinc deficiency in the U.S. is common since soils are progressively more depleted—plus it is removed from processed foods. Zinc deficiency causes the overuse of salt and loss of sense of taste.People with zinc deficiency are at increased risk for getting esophageal and oral cancers. Zinc deficiency creates damage in the genes that leads to cancer in many ways. According to studies, referenced by Dr. Sherry Rogers, correcting zinc deficiency reversed cancers.
Coughing, Codeine & Cocoa—Theobromine in cocoa is 30 percent more effective for stopping a persistent cough than codeine. It has to be cocoa, not just chocolate. I am told that Hershey’s does have a pure chocolate product labeled "Hershey’s Cocoa".
Salt, You Have to Have It—Dietary sodium only causes elevated blood pressure in 5 to 10 percent of salt-sensitive people. Please don’t use refined salt (sodium chloride). Get sea salt from The Grain and Salt Society.
Garlic and Echinaccea can greatly help to reduce bacteria in the gut such as E. Coli.Is Your Food "natural," "free range" or "organic"? Who knows. My best guess is that these captions more than anything else bring higher prices.
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